Braided rugs are absolutely gorgeous additions to any home. They provide you with a classic look that’s both durable and comfortable. They’re great to have during winter months, and help to keep your home much warmer. They’re also fantastic during summer months when you want that little bit of country style.
Braided rugs have been around for hundreds of years, and were first engineered by the pioneers. They never wanted to waste cloth. Instead, they braided their scraps together to create floor coverings to insulate their homes against the cold winter months. These rugs were both beautiful and functional. They were also incredibly durable and lasted for a very long time. Braided rugs are still alive and well today! They provide a bit of rustic charm to almost every environment. They can also be bought at fairly reasonable prices, and they can last for decades.
Fortunately with new technology, braided rugs can now be found in all shapes and sizes. You can also find them in a huge variety of different colors that can actually be custom-ordered to work for your home. You can find stair runners, welcome mats, and even full-sized area rugs that can cover an entire room. Regardless of your needs, there’s an area rug out there for you. The key to getting the most out of your braided rug is caring for it properly. It’s very important to know what you can and can’t do when something happens to your braided rug. You don’t just want to start pulling threads loose and end up ruining the entire rug. There’s a right way and a wrong way to go about repairing and caring for these rugs.
It’s also important to understand how to keep your area rug clean. Caring for a braided rug is about more than just making sure that there aren’t loose threads or open seams. It’s also very important to make sure that there’s no additional dust or debris caught in the threads. There are several different methods for adequately cleaning your braided rugs. If you'd like to buy online braided rugs, it's also a good idea to make inquiries to the retailer about how best to care for their products. They will often be able to give you advice on increasing the longevity of your new rug. Braided rugs are absolutely timeless, and they can bring a room to life. Taking care of them is incredibly important, and these are just a few tips on how to do that:
Braid sprouts are not a defect but inherent to braid contraction. It is simple to fix and sholud be done as soon as possible.
Braid separation is very rare and happens when a sharp object cuts the sewing threads. The sooner it is repaired the better, as an un-repaired separation will grow over time.
Rotating and Trimming
It’s very important to make sure that you rotate your braided rug at least once a year. This prevents undue wear on only one side of it. You also need to make sure that you’re using a non-rotary head vacuum. Anything that spins over the fibers has more of a chance of catching on to them and causing a snag or pulling a thread free. If this does happen, and you notice a tuft of yarn sticking out, it’s a good idea to see if they can be tucked back in. You can always put a stitch or two in that area to make sure that it doesn’t come loose again. If the thread is very small and can’t be tucked back in appropriately, then it doesn’t hurt to simply trim it down. Just keep an eye on that spot and make sure that you take it in for any repairs as necessary.
Cleaning Your Braided Rug
These need to be regularly vacuumed with the non-rotating brush vacuums. Certain braided rugs can then be deep cleaned with carpet foam that can be gently rubbed into the surface. This helps to keep the rug intact, and doesn’t put it under any unnecessary stress. After this foam dries, it can be vacuumed back up with the same type of machine. There are some braided rugs that are small enough to pick up and shake out.